Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday at the health fair

We got up early and went walking to Riggs Brook Lane.  All the slugs seem to have finished eating and gone home for the season.  The house at the entrance is having  garage sale.................what a temptation.
We came home for breakfast and then we rested for a while before tackling the laundry.
Our adventure for today was attending the free health screening at the newly remodeled RideAid pharmacy.  They had a number of exhibits and free stuff and the test I was most interested in was the Cholesterol and the diabetes test.  I do not have diabetes and that is a relief.  It runs in our family.  My cholesterol was the surprise of a life time - it is 153.  That is about 30 points lower than it was when I left Prescott.  Our doctor in Prescott should be very impressed with these numbers and I did it without taking the pills he prescribed for me.  My blood pressure was the next surprise that I did not have any idea would be this low - it was 111/80.  The memory test was a fun exercise.  They showed me 4 words, had me read them, then asked me to name as many animals as I could in one minute - so off I went naming animals and then she asked me to tell her what the four words I had first read.  I named them off immediately and got a perfect score.  Bill did not fare so well - he missed two.  Guess I am not doing so bad after all.
That caused a lot of laughter for us.
After this fun exercise we went to the Mall where Bill went looking for a new hat and he left me off at Wal Mart to get my glasses fixed.  While there I got a call from Bobbie and she was asking why she was having trouble getting the Scotch Brand quick drying glue we have been using for paper crafts.  After I got home I called Michaels in Prescott to see if they had the product and they do, so I called Bobbie back and told her that the glue is available and is there anything else I need to call Prescott to find for her?  Caused lots of laughter as well.
We stopped at Hannafords to shop and then home to eat dinner.
I guess it was not such a busy day after all, but it was a time to spend catching our breath and be ready for Sunday and then Monday when Manny comes.

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