Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pictures that go with Day 69

 You do not need to stand on your head - this is the actual time in the Archives digitizing room where we work.  this clock was left in the photo developing room and it has had its time changed numerous times by pranksters and so now that it is upside down, it tells the correct time where we work. (college humor)
 Obedience to this sign is healthy.  On one side is the rail line and all the clinkers you can walk on and the other side of the trail is a steep drop off to the river.  Better stay on the trail.
 Black eyed Susans are prolific this year.  They, in concert with goldenrod foretell the coming of Fall.
 This is the sewage treatment plant that perfumes the YMCA.......even though it is totally enclosed.
 Yes, better stay out of this place.
 Another view of the sewage treatment plant.
 the back of our building - one of the fire escapes - good luck if there really is a fire.
 another section of our building and its wooden fire escape - again good luck!
 This one is a beauty - wooden house and wooden fire escape and 36 apartments all told.
 A house on Riverside Drive decked out for 4th July.
 This Queen Annes Lace was almost 8 inches across.  I spread my fingers and from thumb to pinky is approximately 8 inches and that is what this one measures.
 Thomas the Tank Engine lay house in someone's yard.
 this is Sumac - I think it is staghorn sumac and I am told that in earlier times it was used as some sort of a medication but I do not remember for what or how it is administered.
 A sign in Hallowell showing how the boat landing (below) that was well   used in times past.
 The boat landing at Hallowell.  during the flood this wooden structure was well under water.  Today when I was there, the tide is all the way out and there were mounds of dirt and stones visible here and there that have made the river pretty much not navigable any more and really needs to be dredged.
 Across the river there were kids swimming in the river.  That is the last thing I would want to do in this lifetime.
 Looking south towards Farmingdale.

 Goldenrod - now in full bloom and well on the way to helping out with the allergy season.
The Sumac was really beautiful and I really admire the variations in greenery that grows here in Maine.

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