Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our 7th last week begins

The Fiftieth Day – 7weeks left and what can I hold onto today to make an indelible memory on my life?
Well, I woke up late and that bodes not good for me because I always feel that the day has not started off right.  But, I got out of bed and walked for an hour and life is good.  The birds sing so sweetly and the air is fresh and clean.  There are not many cars out on Riverside drive at that hour on a Sunday and those that are leave me wondering where they are all going or where they have just come from.  That is not true for the end of the day because I am convinced that the increase in traffic in the early evening is just people getting ready for Monday and a week of work………or maybe not.
Because it is the Fifth Sunday for the month, we had a combined meeting for the first hour.  The subject was Missionary Work and there is an effort now in this ward to increase the membership base.  There were two new Hispanic people who are not members of the church in attendance and they do not speak English so I wonder how it appeared to them.  They came to my Sunday School lesson as well but they fell asleep.  I can recognize that problem because before I could understand Japanese, I fell asleep from trying to concentrate hard on learning the language that my brain got overloaded and tired.
In Sacrament meeting they announced that I was being released as the teacher of the Sunday school class and now I don’t know what I will do with my time during the week when we are not at the archives.  Up to this time, I spent just about every waking hour prior to bedtime reading the lesson manual and then spending time meditating about the content of the lesson for the coming Sunday.
After lunch, we went to the Maine Veterans Home for the 5th Sunday Worship Service that is our responsibility this year.  At the first one we did, before Christmas, we were walking into the facility and our Bishop met us and asked me to give one of the talks.  It was a surprise but I just gave the Sunday school lesson that I had taught just a few hours beforehand.  Today Bill was the one who gave a talk.
This facility is for veterans who have become too ill to go and live by themselves – men and women.  One man just sings at the top of his voice and it is truly heartening t hear.  Many of the people are so incapacitated that they have to be strapped into their chairs so that they don’t fall out.  It is because of the sacrifice of these people that we are free but our freedom has come at a great price to be sure.
After dinner I went over to see Sr. Cyr and we had good time talking about our mission experiences.
I wonder what kinds of experiences await us this week?

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