Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What do court clerks think about?

Monday!  The beginning of a new week and new adventures.  My adventure for Monday was finding that the clerks who wrote up the index book with docket notation did not do so in a very careful manner.  This book is not in alphabetical order or even numerical order.  The index in the back is missing some entries and is not as complete as the previous 2 books that I have worked with.  It will take forever for anyone to put the records of York county into some semblance of usability.  I wonder if they will ever do a searchable database with this set of records – or any of the court records for Maine?
After the archives, Bill went to the YMCA (this is our last paid up week) and I walked to Hallowell and back.  I visited the quilt shop there for about 10 minutes but none of the fabric screamed at me , “Buy me!  Buy ME!”
We ate hurriedly when we came home and then off to Line Dance Class.  I really like this class and now that I know a lot of the dances it is m ore fun and a real workout aerobically.  Pam, one of the girls we met there, asked me some time ago if I could help her sister do genealogy for the name Severance.  I found two entries for that name and sent them to her.  She seems pleased to have anything that will help her with this particular name.  Pam was excited that I had found anything but Pam is not into Genealogy at all.
When we came home we found a voice mail from the new couple who are coming to replace us.  They live in Florida.  They served a mission on the Reservation at Tuba city, Arizona some time ago and this is their first time in the genealogy area of mission work.
I sent her 32 pictures of our work at the archives and of Augusta etc.  by Picasa and Gmail but had to send an explanation of each picture through my Yahoo account.
I hope that they are happy with the apartment and the assignment at the archives.

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