Saturday, August 25, 2012

Old Orchard beach and Portland Mall.

 A rental cottage on  Rte. 9 in Old Orchard Beach.  Just about every house we saw seemed to be a rental cottage with few if any being inhabited by local residents.
 Parking is at a premium.  This house/apartment block had a chain across the area where people could park if they wanted to sneak over to the beach without paying the exorbitant $15.00 or $20 (all day) parking fee.
 the road leading to the beach.  It seems that just about every road that went off towards the beach was lined with rentals and NO PARKING without permission signs.
 The next few photo's are of Old Orchard Beach.  It seems to stretch for miles and miles and the sand is white.  Up the coast at Bar Harbor and at Belfast and at Boothbay Harbor,and at Pemiquid Lighthouse, the sand is a dirty grey.  They tell me that the grey sand is from the effects of the Glacier that covered this area long ago. (Well before Global warming I bet)
 In the middle of this picture just above the horizon is a small dot in the sky.  It is not dirt on your monitor.  It is a person dangling from a paraglider that got up there by being pulled by a speed boat and once being aloft, stay aloft by finding updrafts.  This fellow came down into the ocean while his chase boat was roaring towards him.  I hope they fished him out of the drink in time - the sharks were disappointed for sure.
 One thing I noted was the number of beach umbrellas.  I guess some people had beach umbrellas in Australia when I was growing up and going to the beach there, but I do not remember too many of them.  We had one but the fool thing would not stay put in the sand and the wind kept picking it up and tossing it to the other end of the beach so we just left it at home.  It did not give too much shade we gave our bodies up to the sun to destroy our skin and give us problems now that we are older.  I wonder what is the greatest implement that causes skin cancer or just plain skin problems - The Tanning salon, or bodies baking in the sun?
 More umbrellas stretching to as far as the eye can see.
 a quaint bird house (in the middle of the picture)

the decoration on this fence is made of Lobster pot markers that have been cut into the fence so that they stick out on both sides of the fence.  A clever way to stop people from stealing your fence decoration - make it an integral part of the fence.
 More Lobster pot markers used as decoration from the railing of the sun deck of this rental.
 Looking back up the street from the beach.
 Some motorized tricycles that the leisure bunch were riding.  I liked the petunias that grace the verandah of this house.  Some of the houses were bed and breakfast kinds of things.
 A very neat looking rental.
 some 'bun heads' preparing to dance for us at the Portland Mall.  Just prior to their performance, there was a young lady singing songs to canned music.  she was not that good either but I don't think she was busking.
 The tap dancers ready for their canned music to start so that they can tap on the hard cement floor and try to keep their balance if they happen to slip.
Aaaah! the demi-solo out in front of the group.

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