Sunday, August 19, 2012

Our 4th to Last Sunday - 32 days left to work here.

Sunday has a special feel to it.  Cannot adequately describe what it is, but the earth seems to be at rest and at peace.  I walked along Riggs Brook Lane this morning and found a peaceful setting to comfort and still the soul.  They have been through the area with a bush hog (heavy duty mowing machine) and I thought about the slugs that had navigated the slender grasses to reach the pollen laden tops and wondered how they will weather the winter or not.  It was sad to see the stand of Golden Rod all mashed down into the surrounding area and the Queen Anne’s Lace is no more.  I am glad that I took pictures of it when it was in its glory.  As I turned a corner I got a real surprise – about 4 adult wild turkeys and at least a dozen chicks were out in the field.  They are pretty scrawny so I wonder why people hunt them for food – they look like they are only a toothful . 
The horses greeted me and looked like they needed a helping of apples or grain.  They are beautiful animals.  In the field next to them someone has planted row upon row of what looks like a vining plant.  I guess these plants are either pumpkin, winter squash or pickling cucumbers but they are only up about 6 to 8 inches and it is late in the season to be growing anything.  This field has been fallow all summer long.  The plants look healthy enough but is there enough sunlight and warmth to help them to maturity?  Already some of the Maples have started to change colors and I notice that a few Oaks have started to drop their leaves.  Aaaaahhhh! Leaf raking time – kids jumping in the leaves, and then comes Halloween and I notice that the stores are already sporting Halloween themed candies, house decorations and dress up costumes.  It isn’t even September and they are rushing the season a bit.  In one store I have already noted that they have their Christmas Stuff out.
Our Sacrament meeting was very moving.  The speaker talked about families and how important the family is to the nurturing of happy well adjusted children.  He talked of rules in the family and he said that in his family they have a 7prayers a day rule.  When you first get up, greet the Lord and greet the day with prayer, pray before each meal (now total of 4) family prayer with all the members of the family kneeling together, prayer before you read the scriptures to ask for help in understanding what you have read, and prayer before you go to bed.  It does not hurt to keep in contact with the Lord.
He quoted one of our church leaders as saying that “Women were God’s crowing creation”, and that men everywhere would do well to remember that.  He noted that too many men are so Macho that they would rather exercise their energies in “keeping the little woman in her place” when in fact, the men could progress further and higher in the Lord’s kingdom if they nurtured their wives and daughters and held them in the esteem the Lord accords them.  Nurturing is good.
In the afternoon we attended the baptism of the bishop’s son Peter.  It was the most spiritual baptismal meetings I have ever attended.  This little boy is a very special little boy and if he keeps going the way he has started out, he will be a real stand out among the ranks of his peers.
Bill went home teaching after the baptismal meeting and I came home.  I picked up the Ipad and began to try to figure it out.  Ended up reading a  number of the April 2012 General Conference talks.  I like the Ipad because the print is larger than my scriptures (book) and the color is crisp and clear and I can see it easily.  I cannot wait till I get to see my eye doctor in Prescott – I need new glasses for sure.

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