Saturday, June 23, 2012

What is appropriate?

 What do you do with the alphabet tags that fall off the books as you work with them.  There is nothing we can do because we have no way to re-glue them to the books.  The picture below shows how they look when they are  in place on a book that is not damaged by time and use.

 They have been cleaning out the photolab and these are extra films etc. that have not been used and cannot be used in this digital age.  They are all out of date anyway.
 somewhere in the world it is 6 O'clolck.  This Seth Thomas clock was found under a pile of junk an dput up on the file cabinet to remind us that somewhere in the world it is really 6 o'clock and that we should be aware o f the march of time.  I do not know if the clock actually works or if there are batteries for it anywhere.
 You always need to read the directions.  this is a packet of directions and user manuals that came out of the photo lab.  You never know if you need them.......
 There is a funeral monument business across the road from where we live.  This angel headstone has fascinated me ever since we moved here.  The price is on the tag in the upper right hand of the heart and it is $6,000+ for this particular headstone.  I guess I will not be purchasing it for the Lunar Moth in the next two pictures.
 This Lunar Moth was on the side of the street when I was walking on Friday morning.  I was amazed to see it there and picked it up and took these two pictures.  Apparently it is rare that people see them because their life span is only about a week long in this stage of its development
The ant population had made short work of the abdomen
and when I found this spectacular moth
they had almost finished

Does this mean they had found a Happy Meal?

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