Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Breaking in the new Clerk

A new clerk has begun work at the Archives office and on Monday she found 4 Missionary Elders in her office asking to be let into our area to see us.  She came in and was timid when she asked if we were expecting them.  Yes, of course!  and then she got out of the way while the four of them filed into our room.  They had come in to show the new elders what it is that we do in digitizing.
One of the new elders asked "Do you keep the same rules we do?"  Well, yes and no, because we start work at 8am and finish at 4pm because those are the hours of the search room.  We then go home and sometimes go to the YMCA to exercise and sometimes to Hannafords to shop for food, but mostly we just go home, eat dinner, do only one or two more things before we collapse into bed and sleep till the next morning when we get up and do it all over again.  They have Monday to do their laundry, write letters and shop for food etc, and we have Saturday.  Mostly on Saturday we go play - visit places in Maine.
They have a job to do and we have a job to do - we just work at different paces and in different places.
On Monday night we went to our line dance class.  The team is practicing for a show somewhere and they were doing a dance to "A Drink In My Hand" and when those words came up, they raised a Margarita Glass prop that they held in their hand.  These glasses came from the dollar store and had some sort of liquid inside them between the inner and outer surface.  I suspect that it is the substance that freezes in the fridge and is meant to keep the drink cold for you.  The team performs well and even  though the line dance is repetitive it looks really pretty when they are all doing the same thing and it is very rhythmic. It is a good workout for me - much like the Zumba classes I took at the YMCA in Prescott.
We have decided to go in to the office as close to 7am as possible because we want to get these folders done less than the 3 weeks we have left here in Augusta.  That way, if we have any re-works, we will be able to get them done and finish up on time.  They tell us that if we do not get done before the 1st of July, that the mission will put us up in an extended stay hotel.  Well, that eases my mind about being homeless on July 1.  Elder Hill suggested to Elder Morales that they go sleep in a tent outside and let us have their apartment.  They are really sweet, but they don't have a tent...............ha ha ha ha
We are to get a new worker in our room.  Christina has landed herself a new full time position at the Education dept. so a new worker has been hired to do her job of digitizing the BDM.  Found out that has already been here and done this set of records, but the state wants their own copies available online - for free - Ancestry charges for access.

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