Saturday, June 2, 2012

Perhaps it is normal?

Do not know what is happening at Google but there have been problems.  For this moment, 9.09pm on Saturday 2 June 2012, things seem to be ok.
I hope so because I do not want to lose the thread to this blog.  My hope is that one day I will get it printed and kept as a journal of sorts - one that I can re-read and one that will show my grandsons what it is like to be a grandma and grandpa on a mission for the church.
We have approximately 4 more weeks worth of work here and then nothing else to do.  We hope that they are able to get the contracts signed in Keene.
Tonight we went to a wedding reception for a couple who met and married in Salt Lake City.  The bride is from Augusta, Maine, and the groom was born in one of the Southern States.  They both have grown children and 11 grandchildren between them.  The best part was sitting around the table eating food and sharing stories about our lives.
When it was time to go, I said to Bill, I am beginning to turn into a Pumpkin, go warm up the white mice and take me home.
One of the ladies at our table who does not know me did not know what to think.  One other lady, whom I visiting teach, just roared laughing at the prospect...................
I guess it takes a while doesn't it.

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