Saturday, June 16, 2012

Riggs Brook Lane at 8am Saturday

 I saw this sign on Riverside Drive and decided to follow it to see how far it went.  Not too many of these little side roads lead much further than someone's garage, but this one was a surprise to be sure.  I did not find a brook anywhere, but the walk along this lane was peaceful and quiet and filled with the wonder of God's beautiful world.
 the Daisies were happy to greet me.  They are not cultivated but they are everywhere this spring.  They look clean and fresh and excited to show off their yellow and white to the world.
 This is a field of Buttercups.  I did photograph this field some time ago when it was filled with Dandelions.  I guess the Head Gardiner loves Yellow and Green.
 Buttercups and purple crownvetch together with the green are peaceful flowers.
 These very tiny white flowers grew in this clump but I have no idea what they are called.
 This farm house looks lonely way out in the field  It seems that someone came by and cleared out or mowed down the remains of last years corn stalks.
 I found a slug on the colts foot leaf.  What is better than one slug on a colts foot  plant?
 Why, two slugs on a colts food leaf. 
 Butter cups at t heir best.
 Riggs Brook lane pasture on the right has an electrified fence and there are a number of horses in this pasture.
 Looking back along the lane.  It was such a pretty day that I took lots of pictures.  I needed to be in such a peaceful place after the tumultuous week we have had.  we have gone into the office to work at about 7 to 7.30am just so we could get all the court dockets done.  We did not go anywhere today other than to the supermarket - we just needed to stay home and rest up.  We are not young enough to keep up the hectic pace of this past week.
 The cheerful buttercups change the color of t he countryside.
 The buttercups are taking over.  At the corner of Rte. 3 and Rte. 201 there is a vast field filled with buttercups and I would love to be able to take a picture of it, but to try to do so with all the traffic that passes through this intersection  would be to take my life in my hands and probably lose it as a result.
 The horses were content to let me take their picture.  The little one on the left is not a foal, but is a full grown miniature horse.
 At the end of the lane, I looked back to the area past the horses and the combination of clouds, trees and wildflowers was a sight to experience on a crisp spring morning.
 This is a farm house that borders Riggs Brook Lane.  What a joy it must be to wake up to such peace each morning.
 another farm house on Riggs Brook Lane.  I saw a flash of red and knew that I had seen a Cardinal.  I did not see too many of them this winter, but I saw one today.  There was also a stand of Queen Anne's Lace that we passed by when we were driving.

I received an email today telling me that a new director to the family history center has been named.  That takes a lot of pressure off me because it was told to me before I left on this mission that I would be the next director when I got back to Arizona.  that would have been difficult for me to do.
I am really pleased with my African Violet plant.  It was in full bloom when we brought it home from Longfellows green house before Mothers day, and then the blooms all died off.  I looked today and see that there are two spikes that are going to produce flowers for me.
Last night I went out after dark and looked down towards the river and we have loads of fireflies there.  It is wonderful to see them again after all these years away from the east.
We had an ant infestation at the apartment building and the bug eradicator fellow came by and put a green thing in the front yard that looks like Jabba the Hutt's house from Star Wars.  He said that the ants would be attracted to it and they would go in and die there.  I went over to it and examined it and found that it has a little sign on it that says "Ant Entrance".  Made me wonder if he sent out invitations to the ants to come on by and eat with small road signs pointing the way so they would know how and where they were supposed to be.   I guess they found the place because I have not seen any ants for a while now.
All day long there has been a woodpecker working his way through the woods across the street.  By the time he is done we will have "Holy Trees" for Sunday.

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