Sunday, April 8, 2012

still suffering loss

It’s now been two days since Pop Belnap passed away.   He passed away on Good Friday and today in church we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.    The hope for all of us is that we will be resurrected also.  I am still sad that Pop has died, but today we were reminded of our own mortality and know that it is part of our Heavenly Father’s plan.
We  talked to Sara today and the children were all at home.  Lyla was anxious to tell us about her helmet that she has to wear when she rides her bike.  She assured me that they have to put on the training wheels first and when she is at Baggerleys they make her wear a helmet if she wants to ride bikes over there.  Times certainly have changed……a helmet was the last thing we ever thought of buying for our kids when they were at the bike riding stage.  We never had our kids strapped into car seats either.
We were invited over to our friends Sue and Marty’s house for dinner.  They were telling us of all the animals that visit in their yard, but today was not one of them.  All except a squirrel that performed acrobatics for us at the bird feeder.
Tomorrow we will be back at the archives – hopefully the power cord for the camera will be there and we will be able to begin again to do the digitizing.  I have lost heart over so many reworks – reworks that have to be done due to someone elses error.  It is very hard to do.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. {HUGS}. If it helps you still have an adopted sister moving around the world. :-)
