Friday, April 27, 2012

homes in downtown Augusta

 I just love it when they put in a Front Door and forget to put in stairs............

 This home has a historic marker over the front door.  I dates from 1787 or so.  Well kept for that long.

 This home has a turret on top.  That was one way to get light into the center of the home.  Blaine house, the residence of the Governor has the same arrangement.
 This is Governor Hill Mansion.  It is a stately old building that must have been the center of all kinds of parties, receptions and possible political intrigue.............politics is just what it is.....politics, warts and all.

 Kennebec Bank has this wonderful garden that has all its tulips in bloom right now.
 I have not seen any other of these pocket sized cars here in Augusta....but saw this one near the YMCA.
The Kennebec - still full and flowing very fast.

I wandered around Augusta while Bill was at the YMCA and took these pictures of downtown Augusta.  I find it hard to believe that so many of the really old homes are still occupied.  More than that, they are well kept and it is a shame that the homes around them are not as well looked after.

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