Thursday, April 12, 2012

the fickle finger of fate strikes again................

When I was much MUCH younger, I used to body surf; hard to imagine that but I did.  A number of times I was not adherent to the simple rules of this activity and the wave dumped me out onto the sand head first.  But I went back in again to try one more time to show the wave who was boss................don't try that at home, please.  Being dumped out by the wave is not pretty to see and even less comfortable to experience.

It seems that we have been dumped out of the wave here at the archives.  The Canadian man who is in charge of getting projects for us either did not like the Civil War examples that had been sent to him for us to do, or those who live higher up the chain of command did not like the offer and so we are precariously close to having to leave Augusta and be sent elsewhere.

Or so it seems or seemed!

Jeff Brown is working on another project in which we could be enrolled as either digitizers or helpers in the preparation of such which would be great because then we would not have to move to another mission or project somewhere else.  Misseur Allard says that the LDS church is finished here in Maine, but the Archives people are breaking out in boils because they have loads of stuff they want preserved and the genealogical value of it is incalculable but if Misseur Allard says no, then it is no, and we must move on.

So, the question is this.........Is the Fickle finger of Fate dealing a fatal blow..........or is it just capriciously leading us around by the nose?

In any case, we will run out of work by mid to end May and then turn into records Preservation Gypsies.

Well, lets take out the head scarves, tambourines, wild colored vests and shoes with turned up toes and I must dig out my outlandishly colored skirts to dress the part.  We will retro fit the Altima with ribbons, flowers and a garish paint job and get the show on the road. (It will have to be the Altima as transport of choice because we don't own a horse and do not know where to get one of those crazy colored Gypsy wagons for the horse to pull around the nation.)

Actually I don't feel like I am much more than a pawn in this grand chess game - one side of the chess board wants more stuff digitized and the other side of the board is playing rough and picking up their pieces and going home.......................AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!

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