In church yesterday, it was fast and testimony meeting. The spirit of the people of this ward is unlike any other ward I have belonged to. It was peaceful and calming to my soul
Bill stood up and spoke quietly and fluently and there was no stress in his face or manner. This is a miracle. He has been a stutterer for many many years and when we were set apart as missionaries, President Campbell blessed Bill with the gift of tongues. This is a spiritual gift that has myriad facets - one of which for Bill is fluent speech.
When I was set apart as a missionary for my first mission I was given this same gift. It helped me learn Japanese and also helped me to be able to communicate with the Japanese people so that I was heard and understood.
My first miracle with this spiritual gift was when I was a very new missionary and could barely speak a clear sentence. I was paired with a member of the Tokyo 3rd Ward, We were teaching a discussion of the Word of Wisdom and I felt strongly to tell the investigator the benefits of the Word of Wisdom and I launched out using my best Japanese - read that broken Japanese but sincere faith and hope to be heard and understood, and promised her that if she would keep this commandment of the Lord that she would have health beyond her wildest dreams. The ward member was stunned, but the investigator understood my heartfelt plea for her to keep this commandment. We did not see her for about 3 weeks, but when we did, she literally bounded into the church and was effusive and saying that she kept the word of wisdom and that she has not had such good health as she has now. She had roses in her cheeks and her eyes were clear and shining.
The second time that was remarkable, was with Sister Ouchi. She was a truly beautiful lady and very cultured. She spent her days taking traditional Japanese Art classes and she spoke the most wonderful beautiful Japanese language. I did not understand much of what she said, but I loved being around her. She was getting close to the end of the set lessons and we wanted her to accept the gospel and be baptized into the church. She came to church one Sunday and my companion assigned me to talk to Sr. Ouchi and get her to come to the remainder of her lessons. I was terrified because my Japanese was learned talking to people on the street and not cultured like hers. However, after prayers for help, I approached her and found myself speaking beautiful Japanese. Perfect Japanese to be exact and she had a look of great surprise on her face. She took out her techo (a little notebook that they all seem to carry) and she made her final appointments and was baptized. At a later meeting she remarked to my companion about that meeting I had with her. The content of my communication with her was this way: I found myself telling her that we had been sent to teach her the gospel principles and she had been sent to us to learn and it was time to make the final appointments. And here I was, back to normal speech and she could not understand what had happened - from the time I asked her to make the appointments till now (after her baptism), why did I not use the same beautiful Japanese. Well, I really think that I had been sent a miracle to perform and I did my best.
Spiritual gifts are precious and to be given one is a great blessing and I am thankful for Bill's gift for today.
Miracles happen when we allow the spirit of God to work with our lives and our talents.
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