Monday, December 19, 2011

It's not a curve, it is a spiral - even more convoluted than DNA

Our supervisor came today and our learning curve is taking on more of a DNA spiral configuration.  At the rate we are required to go with the new books that are only one page capture, I am sure we will be here until the second coming.  Between LSI readings, depth of field measurements, leveling, focus plane and capture, we are prisoners of the book and the whole digitizing system.  We are not allowed 'time off for good behavior' or even an apology for actually being right about reworks...........guess it is a cultural thing all round.
The temperature has taken a nose dive into the 'barely out of single digits' and the locals are all excited about the number of ponds and lakes that will be frozen over for them to go skating.  Our fun time is limited to doing laundry and quarreling with the recalcitrant 'sometimes working sometimes not' clothes washer, going shopping at the supermarket, needing to go to the YMCA to exercise but having to choose home teaching over a healthy body, and the list seems endless and not much fun at all.  Whatever happened to laughter?  It is Christmas after all, and our tree has only a few things under it that I put there.  Pretty bleak now that the spider died.
We are back to using the hot spot from verizon - the Netgear person has moved.  It was fun while it lasted.
I looked on the internet for the long range forecast and we are to have snow on Wednesday and a green Christmas.  At least on Christmas Day we will be able to have an easy trip to and from Church - no snow and no ice - at least it seems that way.
At lunch today I showed Anne the Tips for Beauty out of the Benton Falls, Maine, 1956 cook book.  I think I will follow their advice,  I will be very sure "not to sit on a dainty spindly chair and furniture that will accentuate my bigness."  I will  avoid shoes with heels too high and slender and dark colored shoes are usually better than light.  I will use dark colored stockings as dark as the current fashion allows.  "Knee Hi's"
Well, in reference to the last directive from Beauty hints by Julian, I would point his attention to the directive from the Relief Society President at the MTC which said that we did not have to wear nylons any more since the latest trend is for ladies to wear peds with their shoes and no nylons.  I don't like panty hose anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I read that the castle requires the Duchess of Cambridge to wear hose at official occasions. The article said it might bring back into style the wearing of pantie hose. Let's hope not!
    I always enjoy your blog. I hope you can stay warm.
