Sunday, December 18, 2011

Problem solved

When we first came here we had a terrible time with the clothes washers that they have here.  These machines thrive on eating the money we put into them and not delivering the water and washing that we expect from them.  It is as if they are determined to eat as much money as they can and laugh all the way to the bank.  when we first came and tried to use the washers,I was amazed to find that we were only allowed to use one tablespoon of detergent in each wash.  I cannot see how this will clean the clothes - and it doesn't do a good job, so I saw the owner and asked him about the washer and why it is only one tablespoon of detergent and he said that these washers are the energy efficient washers and they use "H E" detergent - which stands for High Energy detergent.  I wanted to say 'I knew that!!'  We have 150 fluid ounces of the detergent and at 1 tablespoon at a time, we will barely use any of it with two washer loads per week.
I am not impressed with the washers at all - our whites are now a dull light grey and I doubt if they will ever see WHITE again.  This discoloration does not bleach out and so we are stuck.  Well, I might as well have washed the whites with a red shirt or something - at least I would have some excuse for having non-white WHITES.
I have been keeping track of our spider 'Slim Pickins'.  Well last night the temperature dropped to 10 degrees or less and I guess that was too much for him.  Aside from not getting anything to eat, he had no shelter from the cold and he has passed into the eternities. 
This picture below is what happens to your windows on the car when there is high moisture in the air and the temperature is really really cold.  these are icicles that make the windows look like a bunch of fairies had gone ice skating over the surface and left all these tracks behind.  Disney used similar illustrations in Fantasia to show ice skating tracks on the frozen lake by the ice fairies.
On the other hand, our Arizona based automobile seems to be weathering the whole thing quite well.  It starts promptly even though it is less than 10 degrees temperature.  Of course it must be wondering what in the wold we are doing leaving it out in the cold and snow and rain........there is not much sun this time of year at this latitude and what sun there is, it is watery and not very warm.  After the solstice, it will start its journey back to the northern hemisphere and life will warm up for us appreciably.  When we get back to Arizona, it will be tucked away in the garage every time it is not in use and happiness reigns.  No more scraping ice off the car before you can drive it.
My Sunday School lesson that I taught today was on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  The scriptures tell us that he will cleanse the earth by fire.  Someone in the class spoke up and said, "Yes, well, the Lord drowned them all with the flood in the day of Noah."  Someone else said, well it will probably  be by a nuclear blast this time to burn the inhabitants by fire.  Well, I guess that one good atomic blast CAN spoil your whole day.  No one knows how the earth will be cleansed by fire, but it will come - so pay your fire insurance.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have one of those washing machines that uses the "he" detergent, but I certainly use more than one tablespoon! I use about a quarter of what I used to use, though. I don't have any trouble with it. I think the whites are still white--the underwear will tend to turn gray though if you put bleach in it. Most white stuff has been dyed white which means, the bleach removes the dye and you're left with the dingy color that was there before the white dye. Alas, another problem for the struggling homemaker.
