Friday, December 16, 2011

Pristine cell Phone and missionary work

My cell phone stopped working.  I had upgraded last night and this morning it would not work.  So while Bill was working on the digitizing, I went walking over to the Verizon store. The owner examined my phone and in talking to the Verizon people he said, "Her phone is in pristine condition - exactly like it was just opened up and was market ready. "  This made me feel really proud of the condition of my phone.  I really look after it and depend on it for all kinds of things.   During my stay there trying to get the phone to work. got into conversation with the owner.  He said he loves Mormons, loves the way we do things, how we do things and he wonders how it is that we get it all to come together as we do.  He said he could not become a Mormon.  I began to ask questions to try to find out what his stumbling block was.  He said, well,  it is the Indians.  I just cannot believe that they are the descendants of those people described in the book of Mormon who came from Jerusalem.  I began to talk to him about the Polynesian legends, the legends of the Japanese people and of Tor Heyerdahl and the exhibits in the Bishop museum.  When I could see that I had his interest peaked, I said to him that it matters little where the Indians came from, what he needs to know and prove to himself is this - whether Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ in the grove of trees.  Once you know this fact to be true of your own volition, then after that it matters little where the Indians came from or why.  This statement caught him by surprise and he gave me his name and number and asked that we talk some more at a later time.  He also called his brother and his brother wants to talk to me about genealogy.
It is truly amazing the number of people who are doing genealogy.  They are recipients of the Spirit of Elijah, which is the spirit of Genealogy and they are collecting their ancestral information.  Lets face it, we are out numbered and all people need to collect their ancestry and their records.

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