Thursday, March 1, 2012

A very short day

when we woke up this morning, it was lightly snowing.  So we went into the Archives and began work.  At 1pm they came and told us that they were closing down the office and everyone had to go home.  Anne had gone home at 11am and so we ate lunch with Rob and Peter and 30 minutes later we were all on our way home.  the roads were in terrible shape.  It was very scarey driving in the driving snow - especially so since we still have our Arizona Tires on the car................but I doubt if Bill will go out and buy new tires while we are here.
David called up yesterday and he is so excited to make a garden in his back yard.  He has scrounged some railroad ties from somewhere and is planning on getting potting soil and steer manure to condition the soil so that he can plant a garden.  It matters little to him that the growing season is later in the year in Phoenix - and I hope that he does not try to grow anything for this summer - it will cook in the heat of Phx.
When we got to work this morning the battery backup module that sits on the desk was screaming at us.  and the lights were on that should not have been on and those that were necessary were out.  Our computer would not work either.  So we called Salt Lake and they are going to send us a new battery for the module.  Bill was certain that he could just go to KMart and get a few DD batteries - after all how many batteries can this thing use?  A very special one - and they are going to send it to us overnight.

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