Sunday, March 4, 2012

budding musicion

We have a hot spot by Verizon and on it we can use Skype to make contact with the grandchildren.  Earlier versions of Skype allowed us to take a snapshot of the people on the other end but now it has changed.  Well we managed to get Lyla to sit still long enough to get the above shot with her mother.  This is a feat worth noting.
today when we were on Skype, Lyla wanted to play us a tune on the piano.  They have a piano that came from Craigs list - "it's yours if you can haul it away from our home" kind of situation.  So Sara found a way to get the piano to her home and Ethan takes lessons from a nearby neighbor and she is teaching a number of  children the Suzuki method of learning piano.  He really likes it.  He is a very busy 9 yr old.  He takes music lessons, takes Gymnastics and is on the team and goes to competitions, is gung ho on boy scouts and has progressed rapidly through the merit badges etc., and attends Math Club at school which is held after school and he loves math and science.  I have no idea how he does all these things but he does.
Well, Lyla has decided that she can play the piano as well and today she asked if we wanted to hear her play and sing.  Of course we do.  So, she sat at the piano, held her hands the proper way and played her song.  She was singing as well and I could pick out the word 'Edelweiss'. she knows the words.  However her tune on the piano and the melody of Edelweiss are not the same, but she is happy that she can play the piano and sing.  We are thrilled that she is interested in singing, playing the piano and also in dance.  When she gets old enough, it would be good for her to take lessons on the piano.  the most noteworthy thing about today's concert is that she was playing with both hands, in a controlled manner and not just smashing on the piano as so many 3 yr olds do.  she was gentle, and controlled and she was very very happy.
Ethan did well at the Gymnastics meet yesterday at Grand Island, Nebraska.  He now has 6 more ribbons and a large medal.  He came in 6th over all but he was second in the Rings.  the Rings are his favorite activity.
Oliver is in a higher group than last year and his favorite activity in gymnastics is the bars.  Apparently he is doing well on this skill.
Lyla went to ballet this week, once for her regular lesson and once as a make up lesson and she found that both days were 'dolly' days.  On dolly day you take a doll with you and the dollys sit and respectfully watch all the little girls dance and the last part of the lesson is a dance with dolly led by the teacher.  I well remember Sara's dance teacher when Sara first started.  They did not have dolly day but they could take an object for show and tell - an effort to get the little girls to talk and not be afraid of doing something in front of a group.  Lyla is very outgoing and I doubt if she will ever be shy or reticent to talk in front of groups.
I got to see Oliver in the distance.  He did not come over to talk to us.  He was more interested in playing "Indianna Jones" replete with gun belt and holster.
I am very glad that we have computer connections and that we have Skype.  It is a great way to keep in touch with the grandchildren and it is encouraged for the senior couples like Bill and I to keep in touch by computer while we are out serving on missions.

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