Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Summer has come? perhaps1

Well Anne assured us this morning that Spring is definitely here and that we are done with snow.  I showed her the snow pictures from Prescott and she suggested that these persons from Prescott should move here where the weather is fine………………..  A definite sign of spring here is Frost Heave.  This is the condition where the freeze/thaw cycle creates problems with the roads and those secondary roads that were not constructed too well suffer terrible damage during this time of the seasons from heavy vehicles using them.  Rte. 201 was well constructed and does not seem to suffer from Frost Heave and I do not see the bright orange signs on Rte. 201, but I do see the signs on Rte 201 south from about the State House down through Hallowell and Gardiner.  The signs are on Cony Street on the way to the High School and the road is in terrible shape.  It was not so bumpy during winter but now that the ground is between freeze and thaw, the road is very uneven.  Not a good hill for skateboarders I am sure.
This morning I heard the Blue Jays in the trees and there seems to be more and more birds singing in the mornings.  Yesterday it climbed to 80 degrees and this morning on our way to work it was 48 degrees – enough for me to not wear a hat and only put on a light jacket.  Seems like it just might be spring;  Anne said that today we could go out onto the picnic table for lunch – how neat – lunch Al Fresco.
The mood is upbeat in the church membership as we approach General conference time and then right after that is Easter.  This winter has been a hard winter for all of us.
A temp worker is in the room with us for a month or so.  Her job is to digitally copy the BDM for the state of Mane.  She has this wonderful machine that just takes the cards and reads and copies both sides at once and then tonight (while she is sleeping), the information will be downloaded into the Archives system.  While she was working with the wonderful machine that she has, we discovered that we had to do right/left capture of the court book because we could not get a decent LSI  reading and the book was out of focus.  Doing one page at a time seems to be the answer.
We went to the YMCA after work.  Bill went in to exercise and I went walking around the YMCA to the Rails to Trails and I walked over to Augusta proper and then back to the YMCA.  Saw some kids on the opposite bank sitting on some steps that lead down to the river.  They had their feet in the river and they were dressed in swim suits.  The river had started to recede and was quite swift in front of the children on the steps.  Pretty dangerous activity because to fall in would have meant hypothermia and perhaps loss of life due to the swiftness of the stream. The water in the river is very cold right now.
Our temperature today rose to 85 degrees.  So, at lunch time, Anne, Bill and I went over to the park area and sat at the nice picnic table there and ate our lunch.  It got very hot out there in the sun, but it was really wonderful to be able to eat outside.  Some people were out on portable lawn chairs and one of their friends passing by wanted to know if they were part of the “Occupy Maine Movement.”

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