Wednesday, September 12, 2012

bugs, beetles and butterflies

 I love displays of bugs.  Sara had to collect bugs and mount them for her biology class in Mesa.
 this is one big hairy spider - I am glad that he was mounted and not running loose.
 I have a bag that has Lobsters on it and a little kid saw it and said he liked my bag.  I asked him what was the animal that was on the bag and he said "A crab".  I said, No, it is a lobster and then this 5yr old turned to me and said, "Well, I knew it was some sort of a crustacean"'.  at the bottom of this display are some spider crabs (they are white).
 three of my least favorite creatures.
 any bird that sits still long enough for this fellow to catch them deserves to be eaten.
 From the Goliath above to this fragile Daddy long legs - now that is contrast!
 Beautiful and oh so fragile.
 Some ways of hiding so as to not be seen by predators.
 Now if you are going to have a bug around,.....try one of these for size.  NOW that IS a BUG!
 this is the 19 yr old tarantula.  The man said that he feeds this creature cockroaches.
 Beautiful butterflies.
 these are moths.  the second to top moth on the left hand side is a Luna Moth - just like the one I found on the roadway early spring.
 These prepared specimens are on loan from the State House display.
 I love this display but probably could not afford to purchase one.
 This little kid enjoyed the mantis but I do not think that the mantis gave him his cauliflower ear.
 this container had mantis in it and I wondered if the creatures would survive all the hands that were in the case grabbing them.
 Kids and adults alike were fascinated with the displays.
 More kids and more bugs.
 This is a Mola from the San Blas Indians method of applique.  Quite striking.
This is a birch bark container made by the Indians here in the Eastern USA Tribes.

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