Monday, May 28, 2012

a visit to Puffalump and the Woozles

 Puffalump glamor shot
 Puffalump and one of the woozles
this little calico is the best Woozel in the world. She survived being dumped and was accepted by a new mother cat as one of her own.  what a lucky little cat.

On Memorial Day we went to visit Puffalump and the Woozels.  These are little kittens who have found themselves in a foster care situation until they are big enough to be adopted out.  The mother cat seems to be part Siamese but she is very pretty with her mottled coat and big blue Siamese style eyes.  This cat had been left in a box and found in time to get her the help she needed as she gave birth to her litter of 6 kittens.  Three of them died soon after birth and one had to have its leg removed due to it being tangled in the placenta and unable to be saved.  When I first met this little kitten she had staples in her side where the leg should have been.  When I saw her today, she is doing quite well getting around with only 3 legs.  Someone found a newborn kitten by the side of the road and took it to the SPCA where it was taken to my friend’s home where it was placed in the cage with the mother cat.  She took to it  and let it feed along with the three that were hers.  All four of them are doing very well.
The kitten that has taken my fancy is Puffalump.  He is bold and fluffy and very charming.  I really think he will be a true rascal when he grows to full size.  He seems to have eaten more than the girls and he commands the food bowl as well as his mother’s milk supply – even to the point that he pushes the girls out of the way.
We left there with an Iphone camera filled with kitten shots.  I have played around with the Picasa to achieve the shoes here in the blog.
The Iphone guided us to the Bishop’s home where we participated in the pot luck food and celebration of Memorial Day.  The table was groaning under the weight of the food and it was a wonderful bar-b-q.  They have loads of Rhubarb in their garden and they had cooked it and turned it into Rhubarb Lemon Aide.  I have never tasted something so wonderful as this up to this point.
The weather was perfect – a cloud cover allowed it to be cooler than if the sun was full shining and we got to just sit and chat with the members.  It was still rather warm and muggy and that saps the energy level….so after a few hours we came home and slept.  We have to get up our energy level to go Line Dancing tonight.

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