Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Records and the time it takes or could take

 the court papers connected with every case.  The ribbon (looks like a piece of string at 2 o'clock) is actually government red tape that has faded after 200 years of being tied around these bundles of paper.
 the special box in which the bundles are kept - a catalog is kept on a computer somewhere as to which box contains which bundle of papers for each court case.  Although after 200 years I doubt if anyone wants to re-open a case to get it settled according to today's laws.
 The writing in the docket books, which is what we are digitizing right now, is spectacular.  The three names, North, Cony, and Dummer are the names of the judges and Robbins is a lawyer.  The high school here in Augusta is called Cony High School and there are many streets in Augusta that are named after early inhabitants.  e.g. Sewell, Winthrop etc.
So we find on the contract that there are 5,000 images to take if the humidifier is working and if we can get the papers out straight enough to digitize them.  There has been some discussion over whether we would be able to process them adequately so that they would not crumble and disintegrate and so we asked to see one box.  The records preservationist brought us the box and then said that there were hundreds of boxes that were available to be digitized after being processed in the humidifier, but that his estimate would be that it would taked 3 years to process all the boxes.  I do not know if I couldl do this for three more years.  The count of 5,000 images is drastically less than what it actually available to be preserved.  At this point in time I feel absolutely outnumbered!
We are digitizing court dockets right now and that job is overwhelming.  The books are not many pages, but there seems to be a neverending supply of them.
so yesterday afternoon I just had to do something other than walk around the YMCA track while Bill did his exercises, so I drove down to Hallowell to the quilt shop.  Some weeks ago I saw a piece of fabric there by Laurel Burch - looked like a technicolor giraffe or leopard.  I did have a piece of this myself some years ago and I thought I might like to get this piece that is there for sale.  I paid around $7 per yard but the price on this is $30.00 for 2 yards.  Nothing like making a killing on something now regarded as an antique from the days when Laurel Burch was still living.  I bought some other fabric instead.

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