Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our Wednesday and Thursday Adventure

 This bug was squashed in the pages of a book dated 1811.  I have  no idea if he has been there that long or not but if so, 200 years of being squashed seems a long time to not have personal space.
 the penmanship in these books continues to fascinate me.

The Capitol from down in the park.
 A hidden wish to own a Bentley or perhaps the owner considers his vehicle a Bentley in disguise.
 It pays to advertise - in this one Am Taken.............discourages would be suitors I suppose.
this truck says it all.......................he must be a hunter.

In Arizona the pharmacist can give all shots.  In Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire and Vermont they cannot do all this, just flu and shingles.  Bill called pharmacies in the Boston Area because we were going to be there for the Temple trip and found out that they are limited in what they can do, as are the pharmacists in New Hampshire and Vermont.  It got to be a real zoo.  We had been shuffled from one building to another here in Maine just trying to find one that gave shots, and gave the particular shots.  Well. After a long long time and much frustration, we ended up in one of the first offices we visited back in December.  It seems that the problem arose over the insurance and we finally figured out that the shot was going to cost $20.00 each more if we used the insurance than if we just used cash.  We opted for cash.  The kicker is that Obama administration insists that we carry insurance and that on top of Medicare, means that we pay $200 each for insurance each month but cannot use our insurance just anywhere.  We have Humana insurance and that is through Walmart and so we have to go to a Walmart installation to get service…….and we lucked out that Bill found a Physicians Assistant in the Walmart in Waterville when he went to have his cold/flu symptoms taken care of over Christmas.  We are out of luck in Arizona – our Walmart there does not offer PA services.  So, on Wednesday afternoon we trundled off to the medical office out along the highway (you’d never find it in a month of Sundays if you had not been told approximately where it is) and we now have completed the Hepatitis shot series.  The health delivery system here in Augusta defies reason and logic and the offices are spread out all over.  It costs a bundle in time, gasoline and energy to get your health needs taken care of.
By the time it was over, I talked Bill into going to the Olive Garden for dinner – I did not feel like cooking for dinner after this goose chase we went on.
One of our elders has gone home for treatment of his illness and a new elder is here – from Guatamala.  How wonderful, he can speak Spanish for the Castillo’s………………..I hope that this is the beginning of a Spanish Branch here in Augusta.
Today is Thursday – crept up on us again.  I was greatly discouraged that we have to re-do the oversized index books that failed.  I wrote to our supervisor and he wrote back and apparently a whole group of people received copies of his email and one of them was not happy about the whole situation at all. The upshot is that our supervisor is coming in 2weeks to ‘help’ us get it right.  The last time he came he was helping us “get it right with the focusing” and he did a screen grab and he emailed it off to Salt Lake and it was on the verge of being failed due to being incorrectly focused – and focusing was what he was trying to demonstrate to us.  I sincerely doubt if we will ever get this focusing thing correct.  When I ask what exactly are we looking at, I get a different  answer each time.  I feel like telling them “ Call me when you can come to a consensus of how and why we focus and what do we use to do so.”  They have a part of the dCam-X programmed to focus and we are to trust that – yet we are not to trust that – and we have to do one thing and then another and no one agrees on the steps  that have to be taken and in what order.  After a confusing phone call from our supervisor today, I just put on my coat and left the building and went walking around the block.  There are sometimes one has to just walk away from the problem and clear the air etc. before going back in to tackle the situation.  I just hope that he does not stay with us for 3 or 4 days like he did the last time.
We had an email from Sara today that all she has to do is a ‘reflection’ whatever that is, and she is done with all her requirements for her Masters Degree in Library Science.  It has been a long hard haul for her and bless her heart she has pulled through it with three little people in the house and an ill husband.  I have no idea how she did this, but she is only 31 years old – perhaps that is why.  Tonight is the Chemistry Department Banquet and Sara was hoping to get her item finished before the evening festivities.
David called up today asking if I could identify some bug that is eating his plants in the Valley and what should he do about it.  I told him to call a greenhouse or some place like that and they will be able to tell him what the problem is and how to fix it.  I just hope that by the time he gets whatever is needed to take care of the problem, that the bug has not eaten all the green plants he has so lovingly put up in his garden.
We moved all the Genealogical Society of Utah stuff off the desk that Janet is trying to use.  She now has an extra 3 feet of usable space.  Peter is still hot under the collar over her stuff and how she will probably spread out all over the room and after all it was his room to start with………………well, he now works on first floor and it is his ‘man cave’ down there.
During the winter Bill bought me a Begonia.  It was a very pretty pink one and it got severely frost bitten in the car on the way home from the supermarket to the house………………but now it has three very pretty pink flowers on it.  I bought some potting soil and a larger pot for it to grow in and I novice that we have a volunteer plant making its presence felt.  I did not think that the potting soil would have some viable seeds in it but I guess it does.  A couple of others made their presence felt, but they soon wilted for one reason or another.  The African Violet is still chugging along.  It has some new buds starting to grow.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Sarah, and I love African Violets and begonias, so keep on chugging.
