Thursday, February 2, 2012

wanderlust of the 10191 shuttle

Threats, threats, threats…………when will it all end?  The locals threatened us with 52 degrees below zero windchill for the winter and loads of snow – that has not come to pass.  In fact, the snow festival in a nearby town has been canceled for this upcoming weekend due to no snow.  Wonder if the fellows on the wheelie skis scared off the snow?  They promised us sunshine today but it has not come either.  I did hear the blue jays squawking this morning just like they did  in Pennsylvania and then when we got to the archives, the crows were cawing in the trees.  Is spring not too far away?
The security system here in the Archives is supposed to be top of the line.  The doors do not open until 8am and you need a special key card to open them.  However, the ADA must be beside themselves over the fire escape on the capitol building because the outside staircase is very narrow and certainly not conducive to people trying to exit the building even two abreast and what do the wheelchair bound people do?  Perhaps they need to install a slide for them because a ramp is impractical and would not look esthetically good with the granite walls.  Not feasible to jump and no slide, no luck!  Asked the staff what could be done and they suggested that the people jump and the firemen catch them……….Ah Yes!
Our last submission to Salt Lake passed with no reworks.  We are now just working with the cradle because the books are not so large in this batch.  They are in very sad shape with the spines just falling out of the book from under the linen cover.  Bill picked up a book and the spine fell out because it has become unattached to the book, and he looked down at it and said , “W ell that wasn’t important was it?”.  We laughed at the idea of working with spineless books (no stiff penalties here). Must be awful to be without a backbone!!!   We just focus once in the morning and the only thing we have to do for each book now is an LSI reading.
I have noticed the beautiful writing in these books for Penobscot county.  When they need to note a a ruling  or verdict etc. the writer uses a larger script, slanting backwards and in darker ink.  Very effective if you just want to see the decisions that had been made.
Our wandering shuttle has surfaced today.  Shuttle 10191 was put in the 2 day air shipment mode on January 17 and it showed up today 16 days later.  I wonder where it has been – what adventures has it gone through, what stories could it tell?  There are arrows all over it indicating that FedEx needs to deliver it to the correct address………….and they eventually did.  Yay team!
We are almost out of minutes for the internet at home so this is an early submission for Friday.
Happy Ground Hog Day!  Go Phil!  Punxsutawney forever!

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