Today is Super Bowl Sunday and we have been invited to Anne’s house. She is the clerk in the Archives Search room. I have made taco fixings to take over there to treat her and her son for inviting us to be at her home for the event.
Last night we got a voice mail from Jacob and Sara telling us that there has been a major snowstorm in Nebraska and that they don’t have phone service or internet due to the Neighbor’s tree losing a limb and it fell on the line from the pole to the house. This is a potential disaster for Sara due to her needing the internet to do her homework for her class. On the internet it says that about 20 inches of snow fell on Colorado and that the storm left loads of snow between Colorado and Nebraska and was expected to move into Iowa before it eases up. The Friest kids have had a great time in the snow – have made a snow fort and the biggest snowman was made by Ethan and it is taller than Sara. According to the news thousands of people are without power and that does not bode well for them because it is also very cold. I wonder if that snowstorm is headed towards us?
Text messages between David and Mom. February 3, 2012
Mom, you there???? (he always puts four question marks after his questions) Yes, how are you Pooky boy? Ok Mom???? Did you get the gloves? (we had sent him some gloves for Christmas but had to wait until he got a permanent address before we sent them to him). I don’t know Sup Checks the Mail???? What time do they do that? Don’t know???? (David used to raid the mail box before the supervisor got to it and he had loads of applications for credit cards, magazines etc. that came for him, so they changed the access to the mail box to prevent him from getting so many credit cards etc.) How do youy like this group home? Better I get to bed Earlier?????(in the other group home the supervisor said that he stayed up very late playing on his cell phone with text messages all night and he did not go to sleep. I do not know whom to believe on this one). Did they make you stay up late before? Just the stress and Phillip???? I’m watching episodes of the Mentalist. Ordered the disks from last season Am missing this season completely. Will have to order this year’s disks when it becomes available. Cool Mom???? Now when you come to visit us you will not have enough time to watch them all one after another a (he always wants to put on the Pink Panther movies one after another but he is not at home with us long enough) Ok Mom, The company is opening two ADH Homes in Prescott Mommy???? When will they be doing that? (we really enjoy the 100+mile cushion between David and us). I don’t know. There (sic) working on the process right now mommy???? After our mission, we may move closer to the North Phoenix Temple . Well you better talk with dad and make sure mommy???? It is his idea. He wants to be a temple worker. Well, I don’t want to have you guys move and me move to Prescott???? So you seem to be thinking of moving into one of the group homes in Prescott. Is that true? If you guys move, I don’t want to mom???? Well just wait and see what happens. Don’t move yet. Ok mom???? We’ll be home in September. Ok Mommy???? Goodnight Pookyboy, it is time to go to bed, I Love you. Love you too Mommy????
New England Patriots lost, New York Won - there is always next year
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