Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winter Blahs lightened by Oliver and Lyla.

With it being winter, there are myriad trucks plying the trade of “snow removal”.   They are found everywhere with their plough firmly attached to the front of the truck – perhaps it is a statement of masculine superiority?  Or it may even be an advertisement that says ”Ask me about Snow Removal!”  On the other hand, it is quite dangerous driving with them on the road – I am afraid that they might scrape the paint job of the passing cars.  Some blades are straight and some curve outwards from a central point plowing the snow left and right at the same time.   It was 1 degree this morning when I got up and it is now only 16 degrees and we are loaded with snow that has turned to ice and walking is treacherous to say the least.  They tell me that we are to have a big snowstorm beginning tonight and carrying on through tomorrow I wonder about a lot of things here in Maine.   For example, there is a ski shop on Riverside drive that advertises  ”Ski Tuning”.  I have no idea what that is but I let my mind wander and imagined a whole chorus of ski’s singing because they had been tuned up.  Oh whatever!
We now have 6 reworks  and we are pretty discouraged over it.  The books we were working with are the single capture ones and they were a pain to work with.  Also, the indices of these books are a pain to work with, but at least we can use them on the cradle and that makes for a lot less work.  The big books that we have to rework are about 2 to 3 inches thick, 16 ¼ inches long and 12 inches wide.  They weigh a ton to pick up and work with as well.  We have decided that we will do the re-works next week.
Sara sent us an email with the latest re –wording of a song from Primary by Oliver.
I wanted to share something with you that I think will put a smile on your face.  There is a primary song that the kids learned for the Christmas program.  It goes like this:

Mary, Mary hush see the child.
Joseph, Joseph, look see how mild.
This is Jesus.  This is our King.
This is our Savior whose praises we sing.  

This is Oliver's variation (notice the last line):

Mary, Mary hush see the child.
Joseph, Joseph, look see how mild.
This is Jesus.  This is our King.
This is our Savior who plays and we sing.  

Isn't that cute?  

Love you lots.  Hope you're smiling and laughing!  

Lyla has pink tights to go with her leotard and I think that she is on her way to being a dancer – just like her mother.  What have we started here?

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