Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Nor' Easter

The Nor’ Easter was supposed to hit our area around 3am but by 7.30am it had not even hinted that it was about to snow so we went to the Archives.  Around 10.30 am it began to snow by the bucketfuls and so we left at Noon.  The roads were greasy to say the least and we made it all the way until we arrived at the entrance to our apartment.  There are trees all along the narrow driveway and my fear has been that of a night time we would run into one of them  Instead, Bill took the corner too fast for conditions and now our front bumper is all mangled and we will need a new reservoir for the windshield wiper fluid.  It could have been much much worse, but we are safe, the car is ouched and we will have a big bill to pay to have it fixed.  One good thing – we did not set off the airbags……………YAY!
The snow is coming down really heavily and so I guess this is a true Nor’ Easter.  I wonder how much snow we will get by the time it is over?  It is now 12.27pm and the trees already are starting to look like the ones in the Currier and Ives Christmas cards, and the people who have snow plows on their trucks are out there already earning their dinner money.
It is now 3pm and the snow is still coming down in buckets.   However, it is not coming down with such driving force as it did just before Thanksgiving.  We really are at a disadvantage not having TV to see the weather forecast, but at the Archives today Rob told us that the Schools were closed for the day –  it was announced last night on TV and the legislature was called off as well……hence so many parking spaces out there today to choose from when we went over to do the digitizing.
It is now 7pm and it has stopped snowing – but that does not mean it will not start again and tomorrow it is expected that we will have icy rain – that’s the stuff that weighs down tree limbs and breaks them and hangs on electric wires till they snap.  Ah what fun it is to live here in the East…………….I wonder what is worse – having a tarantula in your house or a crippling snow storm?  Depends which of the two is more terrifying than the other.
I spent this afternoon entering Lockyer information on my Roots Magic program.  A distant cousin contacted me and has sent me corrections to the stuff I sent her and she has also shared the death transcriptions that she has purchased.  I am very grateful that she has sent me so much stuff.  I have had a really hard time getting Lockyer information from anywhere…….and now that we are housebound due to the snow, what better time is there to be able to update the family records.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about that bumper thing--I truly relate. As you know, Stan hit the gate (or the gate hit him) backing out of the driveway at the camp just before we came home from NC last year and damaged the rear bumper. We never got beyond getting the estimates to get it fixed (procrastination). But then, in December, David borrowed our car to go down to the airport to pick up Brenden from his mission. (His car isn't big enough for the whole family, Brenden and his stuff. He called me when they got to Phoenix to tell me that just South of Dewey, a golden retriever ran in front of him, and now
    the front bumper is barely hanging on. I finally broke down yesterday and called the insurance company and Stan took the car for estimates. Hopefully next week we can get it fixed, and I won't feel like I'm driving around in a vehicle straight out of the destruction derby. Sorry about all that snow. It has been so warm here since well before Christmas. Finally we may get a little rain tomorrow and some snow on Monday, but that's it. Take care, and stay warm. Miss you.
