Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Varicose Veins

All along the highway from Prescott to here in Nebraska,  I have been noticing the amount of road repair that has been taking place.  I imagine that when the roads were built, the amount of traffic was considerably less than it is today and that the roads were built to serve the amount of traffic of the day.  In today's commerce, we have tractor trailers that haul two or even three units at a time.  Cars are larger and heavier and the population has increased and along with that the number of vehicles using the freeways.  No wonder they seem to be in constant need of repair.  When we consider some of the stopgap measures that are in place due to shortage of funds, we see men using some sort of drip system to fill in the cracks with black tar.  The result appears to resemble varicose veins on the surface of the roads.  They do the varicose vein thing on the neighborhood roads in Prescott as well.
Another thing I noticed along the highways in the high plains are the windsocks that are at intervals and beg explanation.  At first I thought they were for airplanes but could see no airfields or even small planes.  Then I saw one of them sporting a sign that said "High Wind Indicator".  I have heard of tractor trailers being blown over by strong wind gusts.  I hope that these windsocks are a help to them.
As we drove I was aware of the vast amount of sky that was visible from the highway.  I bet that at night there are millions of stars visible and it must be a brilliant sight - no air pollution and no light pollution to destroy the effect.

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