Friday, September 9, 2011

Parties to celebrate friendships and connectedness

Parties, parties, parties
Over the years I have been a member of various groups.  Some of the groups have dissolved and others have formed.  So there has been a series of parties – going away parties if you will.  The appliqué group had our regular monthly get together and luncheon on the 4th Tuesday of August and it was an especially nice luncheon and the ladies signed a card with well wishes for me as I leave on this mission. 
On the next day , Wednesday, I attended the beading group.  I took the dessert of strawberries, dream whip and an angel food cake.  I did not know that they had also brought food so we had a real party.  My friend Bobbie made a booklet on Manchester, New Hampshire.  It contained anything and everything you might want to know about Manchester.  That was very thoughtful.
On Thursday 8th September , about 14 of my friends  gathered at the Olive Garden for lunch.  There was lots of laughter and remembrances, stories of the antics of children and grandchildren, adventures in genealogy research and of internet connectivity through emails that were exchanged.  We ate together and bonded and life is good.  Friendships are strengthened through these kinds of activities.  The waitress wanted to know if this was a special occasion, and yes, I am leaving and this is my sendoff.

1 comment:

  1. WIsh I could have been there, Bev. You know I would have if I could have been. Love you!
