Yesterday, all day, there were people trundling packed luggage around campus. The air was festive and hopes high as the missionaries prepared to leave for their field of service. Much like Indiana Jones, their challenge is to step out into this "void" and hope that the path will appear. Filled with faith and hope they launch out of the cocoon called MTC and their destiny is in their hands.
Monday seems to be the day that the Senior Missionaries arrive. Last night at dinner, they appeared, all spiffy in their best clothes, nylons, mid calf skirt length, appropriate jackets and newly dyed hair for the ladies and brand new suits, white shirts and ties for the men. It should be noted that the men usually have graying or white hair but the women have shades that range from Jet Black to Bright Lucky Copper Red hair. For me as a cosmetologist, this is amusing.
One of the things they talked about last week in one of the myriad meetings we attended, was the necessity of taking your medications. It seems that some people thought that it was unnecessary to take the meds because they were in the service of the church and so they were protected from the ravages of body degradation and therefore no need of meds. I dutifully counted out my Synthroid into a container to bring with me. I was to be here for 14 days and obviously I cannot count to save myself - I have 6 tablets left and only 3 days left here on campus. And they think that I am capable of filling a senior mission? Can't count accurately for medications so how can I be expected to count accurately for the images we are being sent to capture?
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