Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dress Standards and developed computer skills.

We were treated to an explanation about dress standards as a missionary.  I was amused to hear that we no longer have to wear nylons, knee hi's and the like.  I do remember my mother endlessly worrying about the seams in her nylons when I was a little girl.  And those nylons only went up over her knee and were held up with suspenders on a suspender belt.  Now, those were miserable things to wear - had to wear them myself before they invented pantyhose and those pantyhose even fell down if the elastic in the waist gave up the ghost.  When that happened the panty hose ended up around your ankles..............wheww!  Have we come a long way baby or what?  I remember our Relief Society President giving us a lecture on being properly dressed for church with hemlines at an appropriate level and 'wear Nylons please' and all this was a mark of respect and good grooming.  And now the missionary standard says you don't have to wear nylons?  What is the world coming to?  Well, I do note that the young sisters here (those at least 40+ years younger than myself), are not wearing nylons but rather wear peds on their feet in their shoes.  Do I have to buy peds now?  Well, all this means that I now have to pay extra attention to my leg grooming.................and that is another story!
Tonight we attended a computer class taught by a 20something girl who is a real whiz on the computer.  Learned a thousand times more about Microsoft word in one hour than I had taught myself using the hunt'n'peck'n'crash method.  Now all I have to do is to access the instruction file she loaded onto my thumb drive and then practice practice practice.
Andrea has asked me to add a picture to the blog.  Well, I turned the I-phone around, took a picture of myself, loaded it onto Picasa but have absolutely no idea how to capture that picture from the Picasa album and load it into this blog.  There are some things that are, as yet, beyond my primitive computer skills.
You should all stand and cheer that I figured out how to capture the I-phone pictures and put them on Picasa.
I said cheer, not roll on the floor laughing!

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, suddenly all your posts since Sept 21 showed up on my computer yesterday afternoon. What's up with that? Oh well, it just means I have some good reading today. And I thought you were just too busy.

    Anyhow--about the nylons. Am I ever glad to hear they are no longer required for good grooming. However, sometimes at my age, nylons are purely cosmetic. I do remember the "suspenders" with my uniform in Australia. They held up our lisle stockings. (In America we called it a garter belt.) Brown oxfords set off the whole outfit. Nice!

    So, I'm glad to know that "no nylons" is perfectly acceptable church attire. Not that I haven't given up wearing them on occasion, but now I can feel perfectly fine about it. Thanks for that one.
