We are without many things that we have been used to having.............about 2 weeks ago the TV went off and along with that access to the internet (fixed that by buying a hotspot with the i-phone), Our landline was changed from being a bundle with the TV and internet to my number on a cell phone. Now the refrigerator and the freezer are empty as of 24 hours ago, and cleaned out, and without refrigeration we have resorted to a cooler but it is about to end at lunch time today. The pantry has been cleaned out for the most part and what food is not going to last till we get back next year, is going with us to our new digs.
The lawn has been mowed for the last time this summer, the watering system is fixed, APS came and exchanged our electric usage meter, and a few other repairs have been made along with meeting with four friends who will come into the house often to check to see how things are.
Does the phrase DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS convey the emotion?
I for one am looking forward to all the future blog postings. I realize, after reading the one about the luncheon, that I passed the book on without signing it, making sure that it got to everyone, and thinking that I could write in it when we four "keepers of the gate" met. Somehow we got so engrossed in the task at hand, that I missed out, plain and simple. Just keep in mind, though, that I will miss you, and will no doubt think of you every morning at 7 when I (as yet) have no one to walk with. I know you are going to love New Hampshire, but I have to say that the MTC is truly a grand experience. Enjoy!!!! Can hardly wait to hear all about it.