Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday in Maine - a walk to the bridge and back

 This looks like a slag heap from Pennsylvania but it is from the quarry across the river.  we could not see this when the leaves were all on the trees, but now that the leaves are gone, it shows up.
 the Kennebec river looking north towards Waterville from the Bridge.
 the Kennebec looking south towards the city of Augusta.
 Augusta Skkyline.  The archives building is behind the State house (center of the picture)
 These houses appeared after the leaves fell off.  Did not know they were there.
 This is a little out of order, but it is the quarry across the river.  Took it by telephoto.
 A stream near our home.
These home owners have put hessian bags over their flowers in preparation for the snow plows dumping snow from off the road onto their property.  Perhaps the hessian helps keep the plants safe, who knows?
 Now, thats a pile of wood!!!!!  Do you think they are ready for the winter.  This seems to be leftovers from last year because the wood is weathered and grey.  As I walked further past this house, they had a similar pile of new wood down back.  One house had a pile just by the front need to track snow in now is there?
 this car really stood out under grey skies and next to a grey house.
 I walked through this cemetery.  some of the people buried here have been there for over 200 years.  Boy, is Augusta old or what?
  A modern addition to an old home.
 A few weeks ago I took a picture of this home with all the leaves on the trees.  Now it is stark naked.
 This is the apartment block next to ours.  It looks like someone built a home, added to it, added to that and added more.  The place is like a rabbit warren.
 This is our apartment block.................12 apartments in all.
I loved this tree.  There is a quilt design in this somewhere.

And so you have been for a walk around our neighborhood..........hope you enjoyed it.

Oh and I found out that I am considered "from away" which is the term the people of Maine use to distinguish between people born in Maine (or even the same town as them) and people who are from the other side of town, other side of the same island, out of town, out of state, out of country but now residents.  so, now you know, I am 'from away'.

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